A.U.R.A Hypnosis Healing Session With CLARE

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Angelic Universal Regression Alchemy (AURA) is a Quantum hypnosis/past life regression modality.

Are you intrigued by exploring you're past/parallel, current or future lives? Do you want to connect with your higher self and gain a deeper understanding of your soul essence? Are you seeking to remove negative energy from within your body? If so, AURA Hypnosis can be the bridge to help you follow your heart and embark on a transformative journey.
The most influential accomplishment through A.U.R.A is aiding the client in realising that they can connect to their higher self in obtaining their inner knowing during and after by removing the negativity within them that is holding them back from the connection. A person can receive multiple readings throughout their life, but it is not until they have empowered themselves in understanding that all answers lie within that our spirits truly obtain remembrance and growth!


You use your own source spark of Light to heal yourself, I am simply to bridge to assist you. By using Quantum Alchemy which is the practice of integrating ancient and sacred alchemy symbols. 
These symbols are placed at the beginning of the session, this starts the process of releasing the blocks to help reach a deeper connection during hypnosis 

I will then take you into the theta brainwave (hypnosis) which is a natural meditative state.
Let your higher self guide you on a quantum journey, exploring past lives from your creation to now. Connect with different versions of yourself, visit other realms, or travel to a future moment in your life.
Discover the potential for healing unresolved trauma from your current or past life through this A.U.R.A Hypnosis Healing Session. Illnesses, pain, and disease may be triggered by these emotional blockages, but they can be released through past life regression or a body scan.
  • Reintegrate soul fractals missing throughout time and space 


Once we finish our travels, your higher self will guide us in starting a body scan. This can come from your higher self, an Archangel, or whichever source you feel most connected to.

List of Things that at times can be self-healed through Body Scan:

  • Illnesses
  • Disease
  • Vision
  • Dental health
  • Age regression up to 10 years (skin cell renewal) 
  • DNA Repair or reprogramming
  • Blocked or misaligned charkas 
  • Auric field & Shielding repair 
  • Transmute negative cords
  • Remove negative AI's & entities
  • Reintegrate soul fractals missing throughout time and space 
  • Remove old soul contacts  
  • Trauma from current or past life
  • Expand third eye & heart charka
  • Tree of life healing
  • Assistance with curses, black magic, ancestral family tree bonds, wounding and negative energy in general. 
  • Ancestral healing
  • Removal of negative fractals within the DNA 
  • Removal of inverted or lower timelines & move onto to your most organic timeline. 
  • Removal & cleansing of the Covid 19 & other Vaccines energy, which can in some cases cause vaccine injuries. 

After the body scan is complete we are able to ask your higher self up to 15 questions of your choice. 

Clients have found their spiritual gifts have opened up further since the session, by having a stronger connection to their higher self and guides.

Examples of clients questions 

  • Discover more about your life purpose and inquire about your soul origin. 
  • Connected to the higher self of their loved ones or pets ascended through the veil.
  • Gain insights on your relationships, career, and current life situation.
  • Connect to galactic aspects, archangels, Divine Mother, benevolent guides for messages

After the session you will be sent aftercare information, this is valuable for your protection once you are a clear vessel. You will receive knowledge of how to protect yourself, your children & spouse with your own I AM LOVE light & Merkaba, Archangel shields, invisibility cloak & Toroidal Sphere. 

Clare is not a licensed medical professional.

Please seek assistance from a licensed medical professional for any serious psychological/physical/emotional ailments that you have 

Healing and medicine are two separate disciplines. The modalities I use are the art of healing, not the practice of medicine.


 AURA session lasts between 4.5-5 hours

This includes a preparation chat, energy work before the session & hypnosis regression including a full angelic body scan & 15 questions to your higher self

I offer sessions online via Zoom. I connect to your higher self as it’s all in quantum time. 
I offer in- person sessions at Tranquil Waters Retreat, Upper Hexgrave, Nottinghamshire. 


If you have any further questions please email me at clare@circleoflighterhealer.com 

If you require a different session time due to time zone, or a payment plan. Please contact me, I'm flexible. 

I do offer AURA with Jeffrey my partner, if you would like a session with both us us please go to the service With Clare & Jeffrey.

Please see 13 ways to prepare for your session before booking, this will also be sent via email upon booking. 

When purchasing this service you agree to the terms & conditions stated here   Click here 

Please note this product is non-refundable, thank you.