• Circle of Light

    Krysto Sophia ~ Circle of Light

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Hello Beautiful Souls

About Jeffrey

For 13 years I have wasted a lot of money and even more time looking for someone to help my son. Labeled as schizophrenic, he struggled constantly, fighting all the drugs they wanted him on. We have taken the medical route, the psychological route, the psychiatric route and the spiritual route to no avail. Until I found Clare and Jeffrey. The unique techniques that they use are amazing and incredibly effective. The results we received are absolutely priceless

Lisa , USA, May 2023

Thank you Clare for the most beautiful A.U.R.A session that brought me to tears and allowed me to remember the feeling of unconditional love once more. Thank you for standing strongly in your heart and providing a sacred healing space that truly changed my life in ways I never expected. She was there for me every step of the way from the moment I booked my session and as I continued my healing weeks later.
I highly recommend Circle of Light Healer as she is very intuitive, deeply connected and has the most profound insights to guide you on your journey. She is thorough in her work and makes sure you receive the healing you need. An experienced healer with great compassion, love and understanding for all who cross her path.

Oona, March 2023

"It took only a few online AURA-sessions with Clare and her twin flame Jeffrey to end many years of crushing depressions, hellish frustrations, suffocating fears, brutal energetic experiences, and to make sense of it all. 

My gratitude is beyond my ability to express in words. I highly appreciate the compassion, the kindness, the ability to listen, the openness of mind, the readiness to give and hold space, the patience, the generosity, the after-session care, the precise questions, the profound desire to help someone in need without strings and extra fees attached"

Ruminokami, 2022 Germany

"I have never done a hypnosis session before, little did I know about the journey I was about to embark on, Clare is an amazing healer, she is indeed a brave warrior of light!! Suddenly everything started to make more sense in my life, even the little pieces I never understood about myself; negative energy was removed, I had instant healing and a great sense of renewal, Clare will help you discover the true essence of your soul and heal those that are the most dear to you, she will also leave you completely empowered as the sovereign being that we all are"

Mag P, London UK

To read reviews in full or to see more reviews, please go to the main menu and see Reviews from 2021-2023

A voyage of the 144,000 light warriors. Circle of light healer on YouTube

Circle of Light Healer on Youtube

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Sessions Available Online via Zoom or In-Person

Sessions are available online via Zoom or In- person from Tranquil Waters Retreat, Upper Hexgrave , Farnsfield, Newark, Nottinghamshire, UK. Both are as effective as each other as energy is multidimensional & unlimited, therefore it can be felt on the other side of the world at the exact same time. This is working within the quantum field. Your soul/higher self takes care of you from beginning to the end.

See more details

A.U.R.A Hypnosis Sessions

R.A.A.H Reiki Session

Quantum Galactic Akashic Reading

Sacred Sound Healing Bath

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